Custom Building Improvements Assistance
The Custom Building Improvements (CBI) Assistance Program offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies provides complimentary analysis and financial incentives to help offset the cost of implementing energy-efficient strategies for existing commercial, industrial, government and institutional buildings. Our program provides you with the tools and incentives to improve your building’s energy performance.

FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies are Met-Ed, Penn Power, Penelec, and West Penn Power
To view all available programs offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies please click HERE.
Receive financial incentives for your energy-efficient facility.
When you make the choice to incorporate energy efficiency into your building, you benefit from financial savings year over year. Best of all, you can take advantage of available incentives to make your project more cost-effective!
Lower the cost of implementing energy-efficient strategies. The incentive amount is based on the annual electric savings as modeled and verified-as-installed by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies.

See what works best for your building.
We provide complimentary analysis to help you determine the value of the improvements that you are considering to the building envelope, HVAC, lighting, and other systems that use energy.*
*See Customer Eligibility section for more details.
Energy efficiency made easy!
From enrollment to incentive, we make it easy to find the best energy-efficient solutions for your building.
Customer Eligibility
The Custom Building Improvements Assistance Program is available for most project types including commercial, institutional, industrial, and multifamily common areas. To qualify, participating projects should be:
- In the territory of one of FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies
- An existing building project that is exploring one of the below:
- Building shell improvement (wall/ceiling insulation, windows)
- A project scope that impacts multiple, interacting systems (HVAC, lighting, envelope) in the building

Additional Information
For program details and customer documents, please refer to the links below:
Call 878-295-4498, email, or fill out the form to get in contact.
To view all available programs offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies please click HERE.
Still looking for the perfect solution?
Explore the full range of commercial and industrial incentive programs offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies.